The Overview #67

This week: Early-adopter numbers game, revenue today over revenue tomorrow, and landing page copy tips.
green chair lot

Hey there. This is The Overview, a weekly roundup of noteworthy B2B SaaS stuff. You’ll find interesting thoughts, articles, and more from around the internet.

Early? Consider the numbers.

This is simple enough. Sales is a numbers game. When you’re early you’re selling to those willing to take risks, those who are searching for the next thing, the innovators. Unfortunately, there’s not many of them. The traditional bell curve says 2.5% – so 100 pitches to get 2 customers.

Even when you know this, the lack of traction is demoralising. The rejection can be devastating. But it’s just a numbers game.

And while there are always optimizations that can help you improve the hit rate, we usually don’t consider the biggest one: finding an entry point into a market that’s already more mature.

A clear hierarchy

Simple. Revenue is the priority for every business right now. That means revenue today is better than revenue tomorrow, but we’ll take revenue tomorrow over potential revenue. And the possibility of revenue is better than no revenue.

But it’ll be up to you and your teams to discuss what cost of revenue you’re willing to accept. Higher discounts? Bad-fit customers? In a world where it’s feasible to sell anything to anyone for almost any amount of money, what exactly are you selling?

Hiring? Don’t do unpaid projects.

I personally love Ranee’s content because she keeps it real. Here’s an email she sent to an interviewer about why she would not be completing a take-home task as part of an interview process. Not only is it a bad practice for fostering DEI in your hiring process, but it’s just not a great way to assess someone’s skills.

Instead, you’ll need to extract it through conversations, interrogating past situations, and look not just for experience (y-intercept), but for slope (ability to learn and attitude).

Swipe File: Landing page copy

???? When you become a free Building Momentum subscriber, you get access to my exclusive product marketing swipe file! Click here to find out more.

Here’s a post I always share with anyone looking to write better landing pages.

Rather than just give generic tips, the post goes into detail with breaking down landing pages from across the SaaS world across stages of awareness, and whether they answer these three questions:

  • Is the language accessible and does it mirror a visitor’s stage of awareness?
  • Does the copy move them from where they are to where they want to be?
  • Are visitors prompted to take action?

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought – find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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