The Overview #59

This week: PMMs always interview, course update, evaluating new product ideas.
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Hey there. This is The Overview, a weekly roundup of noteworthy B2B SaaS stuff. You’ll find interesting thoughts, articles, and more from around the internet.

WTF is Go-To-Market update

Over the last 5 weeks, Alicia and I have been working with ten ambitious and eager product marketers in the second cohort of our WTF is Go-to-Market? course.

Here’s what one student had to say:

This course gave me the confidence to evolve and better advocate the product marketing function at my company…

In only 5 weeks I was able to refine my GTM framework for market expansion and product launches; revisit our value proposition messages and have a better understanding and relationship with my sales and product colleagues!

We love to see it. Register interest in our autumn cohort now!

Testing bad ideas

Have used this line, 100%. Sometimes you can’t push back enough. But you can always try, help people to fail fast, and iterate to something better.

Always be interviewing

This post makes a lot of sense. Not only does interviewing open you up to new opportunities and a way to check your comp in the market, but you can build network, intelligence, and get insights.

Swipe File: Evaluating new product ideas

???? When you become a free Building Momentum subscriber, you get access to my exclusive product marketing swipe file! Click here to find out more.

At some point you’ll look to explore new product lines, and this short post from David Cummings has some great tips on things you should think about.

  • Overall Strategy – How does the new product idea fit in with the overall strategy? Is it consistent with the current direction or offer a different direction?
  • Existing Customer Base – Does the new product idea help 80% of the existing customers? If not 80%, then what percentage will find value from it?
  • Desired Customers – Does the new product idea help 80% of the desired customers going forward? How does the existing customer base differ from the desired customer profile (startups often go up-market over time)?
  • Request Quantity – How often has this idea come up? How many “votes” does it have from customers?
  • Backlog Priority – Where might this new idea fit in with the backlog? How would it be prioritized?

For me, there has to be significant overlap with the existing customer base. Don’t make a new product too hard to take to market. Build on top of your existing customer base, brand, narrative, and evolve organically.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought – find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

P.S. If you’ve found value in Building Momentum, could you buy me a coffee? Here’s my tip jar – any support is gratefully appreciated! 

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