The Overview #57 (a break from the usual)

A brief respite with a few fun things from the last week.
grayscale of sheep on green lawn

? Hey there. This is The Overview, a weekly roundup of noteworthy B2B SaaS stuff. You’ll find interesting thoughts, articles, and more from around the internet.

I know several product marketers – in the UK and North America – looking for the next steps in their careers. If you’re hiring, send over details!

Probably going to lose subscribers for this, but the last few weeks have been pretty heavy for a lot of people for a whole host of reasons.

So consider this a brief, tiny respite with a few fun things I’ve seen recently. Normal service resumes next week. Thanks!

Great naan

This looks pretty awesome, right?

Did you know…

A traditional Indian/hip hop dance crossover you didn’t know you needed

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought – find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

P.S. If you’ve found value in Building Momentum, could you buy me a coffee? Here’s my tip jar – any support is gratefully appreciated! 

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