The Overview #56

This week: White House tips, Slack hybrid GTM, and red flags.
time lapse photography of water drop

Hey there. This is The Overview, a weekly roundup of noteworthy B2B SaaS stuff. You’ll find interesting thoughts, articles, and more from around the internet.

Product marketing burnout: interview red flags

Ranee drops some great tips on signals to watch out for when interviewing for product marketing roles, including how disorganization hints to deeper structural issues, disrespect is a sign of toxicity, and a lack of product leadership indicates multiple GTM and alignment issues.

It’s worth saying that for some people, these situations and cultures can be an exciting opportunity to create change. But it doesn’t suit everyone, and that’s fine.

Hybrid SaaS GTM tips from Slack

I love these tips from the SVP of Product at Slack, on how product can support hybrid (both self-service and sales-led) go-to-markets:

  • Build consumer-grade tools
  • Focus on comprehension & desirability
  • Avoid the “owner’s delusion”
  • Foster advocates with a great product
  • Make trials/freemium robust + plentiful
  • Align on north star metrics
  • Land organically in large enterprises

A+ thread from a product that sells itself – lots to steal

Three ways to win

This post is part of a great thread talking about the best rated hotel in Los Angeles – but is hardly a showstopper. Why is it so highly commended?

This ‘popsicle hotline’ might have something to do with it.

By competing on customer intimacy, rather than being the best product or having the lowest costs, the hotel delights customers with something different, something unexpected, and something memorable.

What’s your ‘popsicle hotline’?

Swipe File: Lessons from Obama’s chief digital officer

???? When you become a free Building Momentum subscriber, you get access to my exclusive product marketing swipe file! Click here to find out more.

Sorry to hit you again with another image, but this one is great. Tips from the Obama White House Chief Digital Officer, on how to think about impact and scale.

The last two are my favourite.

  • What’s required to cut the timeline in half?
  • What needs to be done to double the impact?

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought – find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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