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It’s a public holiday in the UK (and most other countries) so here’s a light post. It’s also a great time to ask you to do two things:
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Product marketing strategy needs principles
A book I recommend unconditionally is Good Strategy, Bad Strategy (see all my book recommendations here).
After analysing the context, strategy should set principles to help guide your actions moving forward. But what does that mean in product marketing?
This is a great example from Mike at Buffer. Launch strategy becomes much easier when you have an aligned, principled way to guide execution.
What are your launch principles? Let me know.
Build to a vision
It’s so easy for a product manager to build feature after feature, without consideration towards a broader vision.
“We’ll iterate… We’ll work on other stuff as a fast follow… We need to get something out and learn from customers…”
Excuses? Perhaps.
But product marketers can help drive customer discovery and force product vision conversations. Direction is important.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought – find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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