The Overview #40

This week: Ask the right questions, customers before product, and always consider the nuance.
macro photography of black circuit board

Hey there. This is The Overview, a weekly roundup of noteworthy B2B SaaS stuff. You’ll find interesting thoughts, articles, and more from around the internet.

Recognising real work

I just wanted to start by acknowledging that our work pales into insignificance compared to some of the issues facing people in other parts the world, specifically Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Here are some of the ways that you can support Ukraine now.

Get specific and answer the right questions

This tweet, as well as being funny, reminded me that the answer means asking the right questions to begin with.

Here’s a challenge: can you describe what a “customer” means in your reporting? Is that a customer who has paid and onboarded, or are they just contracted? And it gets even trickier when you think about revenue.

Worth agreeing and documenting the definitions that you’ll be using.

As with everything… it depends

Everything we do is a bet:

  • What are the odds?
  • How much evidence do we have?
  • How much are we betting?
  • What’s the risk we’re comfortable with?

Some projects are a sure thing. Others are complete punts. Being able to communicate the size and breadth of your bets is a skill.

Swipe File: Not like this… but like this

???? When you become a free Building Momentum subscriber, you get access to my exclusive product marketing swipe file! Click here to find out more.

Customers first. The value they desire. Then price. Then, how much you’ll pay to build it. Then, the actual product.

Don’t do it the other way around.

Don’t find customers for your product. Find a product for your customers.

Seth Godin

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought – find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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