The Overview #31

This week: Share your feedback, a great positioning example, and use stories more.

Hey there. This is The Overview, a weekly roundup of noteworthy B2B SaaS stuff. You’ll find interesting thoughts, articles, and more from around the internet.

Share your feedback!

As promised, I’d really appreciate your feedback to help improve Building Momentum and better cater for the challenges you’re facing.

The survey is just 12 short questions that should take about three minutes – it goes past quickly!

Great positioning example

In response to my thread on good examples of SaaS positioning, Jason from Synk replied with a screenshot from their homepage – and I love it!

  • Focuses on customer value – speed, security
  • It’s framed well – ‘security intelligence’
  • It leads with benefits, not features – ‘Find and automatically fix vulnerabilities in your code’

Could it be better? Maybe by adding some differentiation into the mix. Industry-leading doesn’t really mean anything to your customers.

A great example and an inspiration for us all!

Build confidence through the funnel

It’s super easy to want to prepare the whole funnel before launching a product or feature, but that will quickly drag on as you negotiate all the small bits and pieces. Over-preparation is a tax on learning, and wasteful if you need to pivot or iterate early on.

One of the things I preach as part of the ‘Early-Stage Equation’ is building confidence in your go-to-market approach. Can you accurately build bottom-of-funnel sales material if you’re unclear on the top-of-funnel stuff?

Stories matter

Stories and narrative are so important in go-to-market. Everything we do is linked together with a story: our intentions, our goals, the work we’ve done, and what we’re doing now. We use stories in sales and marketing, in our collaboration with other teams, in setting strategy.

One of my draft posts is a foundation understanding of the building blocks for stories – the character roles, the equilibrium narrative. Maybe I’ll finish it for next week!

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought – find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

P.S. If you’ve found value in Building Momentum, could you buy me a coffee? Here’s my tip jar – any support is gratefully appreciated! 

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Be contentious: the importance of disqualification

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Applying literary narrative theory to B2B positioning