Getting ‘Uncle Mo’ on your side
Introducing the Interview, a new regular feature on Building Momentum. First up: Jonathan Gandalf, CEO at The Juice.
Every Tuesday, I post an article with tips and advice on B2B SaaS product marketing.
Introducing the Interview, a new regular feature on Building Momentum. First up: Jonathan Gandalf, CEO at The Juice.
Avoid bold claims your prospects don’t believe. Instead, use statistics that matter.
How to understand your customer’s contexts and what drives them, and use that insight in marketing and sales.
Don’t fall down the slippery slope of careless positioning. Start measuring your confidence to avoid death by a thousand cuts.
Using competitive positioning to play offense and defense in marketing and sales conversations – based on the alternative solutions our customers will consider.
Examining consequences and implications to make better decisions – and how to prevent backlashes by bringing your teams along the journey.
10 years after graduating from Europe’s top-rated advertising course , I’ve reflected on the top lessons I learnt and how I apply them to my product marketing work.
How to use strategy, goals, validation, and communication to avoid significant failures, and continually get better.
Are you selling a diet muffin, or a paleo energy snack? Look to the frame of reference approach to find the perfect way to define your product.
Why evolution is better than revolution in B2B SaaS narratives.