The Overview #89
This week: Interview for mindset, survey the right way, marketing vs product
This week: Interview for mindset, survey the right way, marketing vs product
This week: Prioritisation as negotiation, PMF fundamentals, “make something people want”
This week: Driving impact, measuring PMM, and it’s always momentum.
This week: GTM mistakes, cost-center to revenue-center, numbers to win the lottery, don’t market with consensus.
This week: ban ‘enable’, write better case studies, do good work.
This week: Art and science, talk to customers, B2B messaging narrative structures.
This week: An AI tool to help you understand WTF a company actually does
This week: Differentiation, experts curse, and ‘shiterating’.
This week: What B2B PMs don’t want to do, say no to ‘better’ positioning, and why product first only works the first time round.
This week: Appeal to champions, book on product management, and create category or meet underserved needs?